Privacy Policies

Savings Groups App

Savings is a mobile application for the administration of Savings and Loan Groups. Savings is developed by MONEI Lab Ltda. We are pleased that you place your trust in us.

It is our commitment to take care of your privacy and financial information. Below we explain what data we collect when you use our services, why we collect this data, and what measures we take to protect personal data. By using the application you agree to our privacy policy.

Data we collect and for what purposes

Group Registration

To participate, the Group must register on our platform. This will create a Group account. Members can then be added to the Group.

Member Registration

The Group registers each Member on the platform. This will create an account for the Member and identify the Member as a unique user.

We collect the following data from each Member: first name(s), last name(s), gender, date of birth and optionally: cell phone and ID.

Use of the platform and website

Our platform uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser. We only use technical cookies, necessary for the operation of the application.

Monitoring of the platform

To monitor the proper functioning of the platform we collect data related to transactions and account balances. This data is always processed and analyzed anonymously.

Group's responsibilities

The Group is responsible for the entry of its Members' personal and financial information.

It is the responsibility of Members with access to the Group's application to respect the privacy policies and laws in force.

The Group may not transmit the personal and financial data of a Member to third parties without the explicit consent of the Member.

Monei Lab Ltda and the Supporting Organizations cannot be held responsible for the loss of passwords or the improper use of access to the application by the Group or those responsible for it.

Partner organization

By opening an account on the platform, the Group and the Members authorize the Partner Organization, responsible for the support of the Group, to:

  • Consult the Group's and Members' information to provide support in the correct use of the platform;

  • Compile statistics of the Group's portfolio for analysis and evaluation purposes.

Notifications we send

By enabling a cell phone in his/her profile, the Member will be able to consult financial information or reset his/her password via the SMS channel if enabled.

The platform will be able to send alerts or notifications about transactions, balances and other relevant information for the correct use of the platform.

Who has access to the data

To provide our services, we only share data with trusted partners. This is the case with the following service providers for:

  • Hosting: Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  • Cyclos support:

  • Implementation: Your partner organization

We only share data that is necessary to perform the corresponding service. None of the service providers is authorized to transmit, sell or rent personal data to third parties.

Time we keep data

We do not store personal data for longer than necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was provided, taking into account the period necessary to comply with technical and legal requirements.

Members can request to be unsubscribed from the platform. It is up to the Group to which he/she belongs to perform this action according to group policies.

Measures to protect your privacy

All persons who become aware of personal data on the platform are subject to confidentiality. We have also taken technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, use, loss or disclosure.

Rights of Members

Members have the right to know which of their personal data we process. The Member can view their personal data through their profile on the Group's platform or application.

They have the right, to request their Group, to correct or supplement their data if it is incorrect or incomplete, or to delete their personal data at the end of the Group cycle.

Where to go with a complaint?

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data or about the exercise of your rights, we ask that you communicate it to, accompanied by a justification and proof of your identity so that we can properly process your request.

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